Eskan Alvand Hotel Tehran


  • Swimming pool
  • Gym
  • Restaurant
  • Wireless Internet
  • Coffee Shop
  • Auditorium
  • Shopping center
  • Laundry
  • Satellite TV
  • Number of Rooms: 64
  • Check in: 2 PM
  • Check out: 12 PM
  • Address: Eskan Hotel, Esfarayen St, End of Alvan Ave, Arjantin Sq, Tehran / Iran


Laleh Hotel tehran

Tehran Laleh Hotel is one of the best international five-star hotels in Iran having four restaurants and modern and advanced facilities. Formalities and conference halls with the capacity of 400 persons along with sports complex of Tehran Laleh Hotel including pool, sauna, billiard and bodybuilding hall are only part of the hotel’s facilities and services.
Refrigerator with mini bar, hairdryer in bath, telephone, air conditioning, Internet access, satellite TV and exclusive safety box are among the in-room facilities of the hotel. Furthermore, breakfast and in-room Internet are among free facilities of the hotel.


  • Number of Rooms: 380
  • Check in: 2 PM
  • Check out: 12 PM
  • Address: Laleh Hotel, Near Hijab st, Fatemi Ave, Tehran / Iran

Homa Hotel Tehran


  • Swimming pool
  • Gym
  • Restaurant
  • Wireless Internet
  • Coffee Shop
  • Auditorium
  • Laundry
  • Private Parking
  • Satellite TV
    • Number of Rooms: 173
    • Check in: 2 PM
    • Check out: 12 PM
    • Address: Homa Hotel, Khodami St, Vanak Sq, Tehran / Iran


Hoveyzeh Hotel Tehran



Tehran Howeyzeh Hotel is equipped with air conditioning system, refrigerator, TV, central radio, in-room drawing, central video system, restaurant with Iranian and European foods, 24/7 coffee shop with types of cold and hot beverages, conference hall with capacity of 100 persons with light, sound and video equipments, dry and vapor sauna, Jacuzzi, 24/7 taxi service, barbershop, laundry, safety box and the Internet.
The in-room facilities of Tehran Howeyzeh Hotel include refrigerator with mini bar, hairdryer in bath, telephone, air conditioning, Internet access, satellite TV and exclusive safety box. Furthermore, breakfast is among free facilities of the hotel.


  • Number of Rooms: 177
  • Check in: 2 PM
  • Check out: 12 PM
  • Address: Hoveyzeh Hotel, Villa Cross, Taleghani Ave, Tehran / Iran


Simorgh Hotel Tehran

A top four-star hotel located in official and trade center of Tehran, Valiasr St. named Tehran Simorgh Hotel is ready to offer services to travelers and guests of Tehran by its complete facilities and updated equipments. This hotel was formerly known as Miami Hotel.
Simorgh Hotel was founded in 2000 in an area of 4800 meters with new architecture and green and black stone and glass façade adjacent to Saai Park.

The French Miami restaurant established in the highest floor of Tehran Simorgh Hotel will provide beautiful landscape of Tehran and delicious French foods.
The in-room facilities of Tehran Simorgh Hotel include refrigerator with mini bar, hairdryer in bath, telephone, air conditioning, Internet access, satellite TV and exclusive safety box.


  • Number of Rooms: 62
  • Check in: 2 PM
  • Check out: 12 PM
  • Address: Simorgh Hotel, Near Delbaste Alley, After Saee Park, Vali-e-Asr Ave, Tehran / Iran

Tajmahal Hotel Tehran


  • Swimming pool
  • Gym
  • Restaurant
  • Wireless Internet
  • Coffee Shop
  • Laundry
  • Private Parking
  • Satellite TV
    • Number of Rooms: 49
    • Check in: 2 PM
    • Check out: 12 PM
    • Address: Tajmahal AP Hotel, South Sheikh Bahati, Molasadra Ave, Vanak Sq, Tehran / Iran


Grand Hotel Tehran


The in-room facilities of Tehran Grand Hotel include refrigerator with mini bar, hairdryer in bath, telephone, air conditioning, Internet access, satellite TV and exclusive safety box. Furthermore, breakfast is among free facilities of the hotel.


  • Number of Rooms: 200
  • Check in: 2 PM
  • Check out: 12 PM
  • Address: Tehran Grand Hotel, First of Motahari Ave, Tehran / Iran

Ramtin Hotel Tehran


  • Gym
  • Restaurant
  • Wireless Internet
  • Coffee Shop
  • Auditorium
  • Laundry
  • Private Parking
    • Number of Rooms: 55 
      • Check in: 2 PM
      • Check out: 12 PM
      • Address: Ramtin Hotel, Vali-e Asr Ave, Tehran / Iran

Borj-e-Sefid Hotel Tehran


  • Restaurant
  • Wireless Internet
  • Coffee Shop
  • Auditorium
  • Shopping center
  • Laundry
  • Private Parking
  • Number of Rooms: 15
  • Check in: 2 PM
  • Check out: 12 PM
  • Address: Borj-e-Sefid, Pasdaran Ave, Tehran / Iran

Eram Hotel Tehran


  • Swimming pool
  • Gym
  • Restaurant
  • Wireless Internet
  • Coffee Shop
  • Auditorium
  • Laundry
  • Private Parking
  • Satellite TV
  • Number of Rooms: 110
  • Check in: 2 PM
  • Check out: 12 PM
    • Address: Eram Hotel, Haqani Highway, Vanak Sq, Tehran / Iran



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