Main Milestine


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1957: Founded at the heart of northern Tehran

1983: Affiliated to Iran University of medical science and dedicated to urinary disease

1983: Established the country's first and longest running regular program of renal transplantation

since 1980: Houses the first and largest yet, hemodialysis center in Iran with 30 dialysis machines operating round the clock

1991: Established the country's first color Doppler sonography unit, and is designated as the national postgraduate training center for this diagnostic modality

2002: One of the first transplant centers to begin laparoscopic kidney retrieval from live donors

2004: Establishing the first multislice spiral CT scan unit in Iran

2004: Inauguration of the country's first interventional radiology unit fully committed to and equipped for peripheral vascular intervention including selective renal vascular angioplasty and stenting

2004: Inauguration of the first private care ward within HKC ( First of it's kind in any academic hospital in Iran )

2004: Dr. Pejman Shadpour , member of the HKC Faculty recieved second prize at the American Urological Association annual congress ( AUA 2004 ) Sanfrancisco , USA .

2006: First ever live telecast at surgical procedures in Iran from the HKC operating theaters at the biannual Iranian Endourology Congress .

2006: Inauguration of the first dedicated endourology ward in Iran at HKC .

2007: Openning the health tourism ward at HKC .

2008: HKC picked and designated as the regional training center for Olympus endosurgery in the Middle East .

2008: Number of kidney transplants at HKC breaks the 3000 mark .

2008: Received the Iranian National Productivity and Excellence Award in the Healthcare sector

2008: Received the National Standard Award

2008: Received ISO 9000 for the first time and was extended for 2 years

2009: Received ISO 14000

2009: Received the Green Management Award

2010: Inauguration of not for profit Moheb hospital adjacent to HKC

2011: Affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Science (TUMS)

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